Meine Leistungen
Meine Leistungen
Sie erhalten umfangreiches und aktuelles Wissen zu den Themen Auftritt, Kommunikation, Stimme, Sprache, Inhalt/ Formulierungen. Darüber hinaus exzellente Informationen zu Fragen rund um Status, Leadership, Verhandlung und Positionierung.
Das Coaching steht Ihnen in 3 Sprachen
( D, GB, F ) zur Seite und ist als Einzelperson oder Gruppe zu erleben.
Persönliche Präsenz Vorort, Skype, Telefon, FaceTime und Online sind willkommen.
Preisinformationen dazu gerne nach Anfrage.
Mobil +436642538134
E-Mail [email protected]
My Service
You will receive extensive and up-to-date knowledge on the topics
Appearance, Communication, Voice, Language, Content/Wording.
Furthermore, excellent
Information on Status, Leadership, Negotiation and Positioning.
Coaching is available to you in 3
Languages: German, English, French and can be experienced as an individual or group.
Personal presence on site as well as any Remote devices are welcome.
Feeling free to ask for Workshops and price information
Mobile +436642538134
Email [email protected]
Freya Schumann
International tätige Bühnendarstellerin & Coach mit 30 Jahren Bühnenerfahrung und
Erfolg. Intensive Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Größen der internationalen Schauspiel-
und Musikszene. Seit 2005 Leiterin der 1. Wiener Praxis f. Sprech- und Sprachfertigkeit,
in drei Sprachen weltweit als Trainerin, Coach, Moderatorin und Referentin in der Auto-
mobil-, Bank- und Energiebranche in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Liechtenstein tätig;
als begeisterte „(Körper-) Sprachforscherin“ spannt sie den Bogen unserer Kommunikation aus historischen
Belangen bis in den aktuellen Gebrauch und entwickelte Kommunikationsmodelle,
die bereits von vielen Unternehmen als innovative Unterstützung in die Kommunikations-
kultur übernommen wurden.
Freya Schumann
Internationally active
Stage actress & coach at 30 successful years of Stage and Training experience. Intensive collaboration with well-known names in the international acting and music scene. Since 2005 head of „1rst Viennese Practice for speaking and performance skills“. Performing worldwide in three languages as a Trainer, Coach, Keynote speaker and working in the Automotive/Banking/Energy Industries and IT Companies.
As an enthusiastic "Linguist" she explores the scope of our historical communication concerns up to current use and developed several communication models that have already been adopted by many companies as innovative support in the communication culture.
Was sagen meine Kunden?
„Freya Schumann wird als kritische und anspruchsvolle
Kommunikationstrainerin des Topmanagements geschätzt, die
ihre Coachingpartner durch Kernbotschaften nachdenklich und
aktiv an ihre persönliche Performance heranführt.“
Vorsitz der Geschäftsführung, BP Deutschland
„Freya Schumann ist eine Trainerin der absoluten Superlative für
öffentliche Auftritte von Führungskräften.“
Nationalrat Österreich
„Mit charmantem Witz und schauspielerischer Attitüde über-
zeugte Freya Schumann das Publikum davon, dass man sich dem
Thema Business-Etikette auch ‚unverstaubt’ nähern kann.“
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
„So viel gelacht und gelernt haben alle Seminarteilnehmerinnen
wohl kaum anderswo.“ Unternehmerinnen Kongress Österreich
Some references of my customers:
... Freya Schumann is an enrichment in the field of personality development. The coaching sessions have left behind positive, profound and lasting impressions. At Freya, the learned content is deeply anchored and helps every day, change life positively. Their enormous wealth of experience is always very noticeable and leads step by step to valuable solutions. The coachings with Freya Schumann have strengthened my personality and I have "grown" by a decent, good piece every time, THANK YOU Freya.
Martin Schunerits-Grandits, CEO (Digital Transformer), Switzerland
... I appreciate Freya Schumann as a critical and demanding Communication trainer for the top management. Coaching partners are thoughtfully and actively introduced to their personal performance through core messages…
Karl-Heinz Philippi, Chairman of the Management Board BP Gelsenkirchen GmbH
...I consider Freya Schumann to be a trainer of absolute superlatives for public appearances of executives...
Peter Eisenschenk Member of the National Council
... you have succeeded in combining the LGT culture, your experience and your well-founded knowhow as a consultant for appearance and communication in your trainings and coaching. We have noticed noticeable changes in our employees in the customer business...
Ellero Ziegler, Beat Gmür Member of the Directorate LGT Liechtenstein
It is my pleasure to endorse Freya Schumann to extend her coaching engagement at Avanade.
I know Freya now for more than one year and was one of the first attendees of her coaching " Appearance & Effect" in Austria and was highly impressed by Freya’s attitude and charm she has been working with us in this coaching session.
Her sessions supported me to bring my career at Avanade to the next level.
Freya is a very positive and highly professional person and I enjoy every minute working together with her. She can sweep you along with her positive manner and in every coaching session you take away something new for yourself.
I recommend Freya without reservation. I am convinced that I was able to unlock my potential because of the coaching’s with her, and I am happy that Freya is supporting me as my coach also in 2024.
Manuela Luzius, Avanade Austria GmbH, Group Manager CRM Solution Development
It is my pleasure to strongly recommend for your organization.
I am Krist Ngentaum, Sr. Human Resources Manager at BonCafe (Thailand). I have more than 20 years of experience working in Human Resources and Organization
Development ( H O D ) with many multi companies, and have seen many great trainer and coach come and go. Freya is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.
During Freya's time as a communication soft skills coach, she displayed great talents in managing her session, coaching concepts to all learning styles and developing a genuine love of learning in her participants. When we first met, I was immediately impressed with Freya, but Iwas lucky enough to see her performance and learn as an coacher as she began introducing innovative new learning styles that we both saw make a difference in the way her participants both behaved and learned.